I am the very model of an up-and-coming lyricist.
(Consider this your evidence, in case you’re an empiricist.)
This BMI-trained, NYC-based graduate of Bennington’s
Been working in a day job but by moonlight she's been penning tons
Of books and songs (click here for a selection of discography…
And please forgive the cutesy nature of this rhymed biography)
And look, I made a website (though for years I had resisted it)!
My biggest claim to fame is StarKid’s magnum opus, Twisted: it
Sends up the Disney canon with irreverent hilarity
(And far more pathos than you might expect from such a parody),
And you can click this hyperlink to purchase memorabilia.
I also am the co-host of a podcast, Anglophilia.
Among other accomplishments, a half-finished septology
Portraying female adolescent angst without apology.
Despite this site, my self-promotion skills are somewhat tentative—
That’s why I’m in the market for a loyal representative
To sing my praises with the earnest zeal of a conspiracist:
“My client is the model of an up-and-coming lyricist!”